4 Ways To Start Your Weight Loss Journey


There are many factors that affect your weight. Your genes, lifestyle, habits, diet, and even sleep patterns, all have an impact on whether or not you can maintain a healthy weight.

Also, as you get older, maintaining your ideal weight becomes even more difficult.

In fact, a study conducted by Harvard shows that roughly two out of three U.S. adults are overweight or obese. And if this trend continues, by 2030, roughly half of all men and women in the country will be obese.

Fortunately, you can do something about it.

Reasons Behind Weight Gain

Before you start embarking on a weight loss journey, let’s take a look at why people gain weight in the first place.

As we age, our body’s metabolism slows down. This simply means that your body will take a longer time to break down what you eat and drink and then convert these into energy.

So if you eat too much and/or do not get enough physical activity, you will gain weight.

Meanwhile, it’s also possible to gain weight due to hormonal changes caused by pregnancy, menopause, or polycystic ovary syndrome.

On the other hand, drugs such as birth control pills and corticosteroids can also be the culprit behind your weight gain.

How to Start Your Weight Loss Journey

Weight loss doesn’t happen overnight. It takes a lot of dedication, preparation, and the right support over a sustained period.

But with the right weight management program, it’s possible to get rid of unwanted fat and achieve your ideal weight.

Here are four ways to get started:

1.Improve Your Diet.
Believe it or not, you can lose weight without starving yourself. All you have to do is eat right. This means consuming more lean proteins and fresh fruits and vegetables instead of processed food.

It’s also a good idea to minimize your fast food consumption and try to prepare your own meals. Aside from saving money, you will also get more health benefits.

2.Be More Active.
A healthy diet isn’t enough, though. You still have to keep your body moving to help you burn more calories.If you’re not keen on hitting the gym, you can try other physical activities such as walking, jogging, hiking, or swimming.

3.Keep Your Weight Loss Goals Realistic.
Sticking to a proper diet and regular exercise can help you shed some pounds. However, it’s important to remember that it may take time to see results. Some patients may not even see the results they want despite spending hours at the gym for months on end.

4.Take Advantage of Weight Loss Treatments Available.
The Hebe Medical Spa offers a weight loss program that lasts 10-12 weeks and is ideal for patients who have tried conventional weight loss methods but were not satisfied with the results.

Our weight loss program combines two injectable medications that can help you reach -and stay at- your ideal weight. Aside from weight loss, the program also helps you achieve a leaner and fitter appearance.

This program has helped many patients in both Latham and Fishkill, NY, by decreasing appetite, reducing food intake, and suppressing food cravings. Combined with regular exercise and healthier dietary choices, your weight loss journey can become more successful with the help of The Hebe Medical Spa’s weight loss management programs.

Start your weight loss journey today. Call us or book an appointment immediately.

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