IV Therapy Saratoga

HEBE Medical Spa’s IV treatment is tailored to your specific needs and contains vitamins to help you feel more energized or recover from a hangover.

IV Therapy

IV treatment delivers nutrients, vitamins, and minerals straight into your circulation via an intravenous drip, according to the qualified and experienced personnel at The Hebe Medical Spa in Saratoga, NY. This cutting-edge and potent therapy can aid in the treatment of many health issues at the same time. The medication works quicker and more reliably when the infusion is administered directly into a patient’s circulation rather than being taken orally.

Finally, bypassing concerns with an upset stomach while providing greater quantities of medicine for a more potent impact with fewer side effects, the straight bloodstream route is preferred. Call today to set up an appointment to discover whether IV treatment will assist you.

Ideal Candidates

IV treatment has been used to treat common ailments by professionals for many years. We didn’t realize there were so many different ailments that might be handled with this treatment until lately. We address the following problems since the nutrients are absorbed straight into the bloodstream:

Procedure Technique

Our experts will assess which nutrients are appropriate for your treatment after a comprehensive medical examination to see if you are a good candidate for IV therapy. A physical exam and/or a blood test may be part of your examination. While you rest in our well-appointed treatment room, a very little butterfly needle will be put into the infusion location once we have developed your treatment plan. Our patients say they aren’t in any pain. In comparison to a regular blood draw, the infusion is more pleasant. During the nutritional infusion, you may get a warm sensation.

Many patients report a sensation of serenity and well-being, as well as better sleeping patterns, practically immediately. The length of your treatment is determined by the nutrients utilized during your therapy session, however most sessions are one hour long.

What To Expect

During IV treatment, you might expect a warm, calming experience. The following are some of the initial consequences of IV nutrition:

Nutrient options

Also known as GSH, it is a naturally-occurring molecule in your body. In this instance, it serves as an antioxidant that treats many different ailments or conditions while offering an energy boost. It also improves overall skin health and helps stimulate your anti-aging process.

This vitamin helps improve bone structure, allow you to get better sleep, generally helps put you in a better mood, regulates your insulin levels, supports weight loss, and reinforces your immune system. Studies have shown this almost miracle vitamin to benefit people with MS, psoriasis, and high blood pressure.

Ideal for athletes and vegans, vitamin B12 quickly increases your body’s energy once in the bloodstream. Vegans usually require this vitamin as it is commonly found in animal-based protein that they do not include in their diet. Athletes use extra B12 to reform muscle and aid in recovery after a workout. Additionally, everyone can benefit from B12’s energizing properties.

Anti-oxidant, strengthens the immune system, aids wound healing, supports brain function, helps with learning and memory, treatment of common cold, helps with fertility issues, increases testosterone levels, helps with acne, hear growth and repair, ensures proper protein absorption, liver detoxifier.

Invented by the late Dr. Myers, this solution combines B complex vitamins, B12, vitamin C, and antioxidants to quickly increase your body’s energy, improve your mood, and help support your immune system.

A multivitamin intravenous infusion. This immune system-boosting super-concoction includes vitamins C, A, D3, B1, B2, B6, B12, as well as Niacinamide, E, K1, Folic Acid, and Biotin. Its primary use is for treating vitamin deficiency in adults and children over 11.

Include arginine, glutamine, isoleucine, valine, carnitine. Helps with muscle recovery, great for athletes and people who have exercise fatigue. Increases muscle growth, energy, promotes healing, healthy skin and hair, aids in digestion, improves memory and cognitive performance, mood lifter, stress buster, supports the immune system and supports the body’s fat burning ability.

Tri immune boost is a combination of antioxidants and minerals to help boost the body’s immune system. This treatment combines Vitamin C, Zinc, and Glutathione that is given intramuscularly. It is perfect for those who want to get extra help fighting off viruses and flu this season. Taken into the muscle either once a week for ongoing boosts or just get a one-off shot before a vacation. It is especially useful before getting on an airplane, participating in a sporting event, a holiday function, wedding or any event where people gather together in close quarters.

MICC combo is used to increase energy and boost your metabolism. It also helps boost an individual’s immune system, it can enhance liver function and improve mental clarity. It contains B12, and 3 amino acids: (methionine, inositol, and choline) that break down fat, decrease hunger and metabolize fat in the liver. MICC combo is given by injection either IM (intermuscular) or SQ (subcutaneous) and for best results should be given weekly.

The amino blend is a combination of several amino acids that should be considered the building blocks of proteins necessary for vital bodily functions. Amino acids will help with muscle growth, ease muscle soreness, lessen exercise fatigue, prevent muscle wasting and boost the immune system. Also necessary in cell building, is the synthesis of hormones, and neurotransmitters. Our amino blend may help men suffering from erectile dysfunction. The amino blend is given by intermuscular injection and may be taken once a week. Will be beneficial to those who are starting an exercise program or any other event that you may need a little boost in energy. MICC and Amino blend may be taken together for optimum results.

Vitamins like Gluthathione and B12, Alpha Lipoic Acid, and combinations like the Myer’s Cocktail, Immune Booster, and Hangover Cure are among our most popular infusions.

Different Solutions For Different Symptoms

Depending on your symptoms, we offer a wide range of solutions from which to pick. Our experts will assist you in selecting the ideal “cocktail” for you. Glutathione is one of the primary elements in our IV treatment technique, albeit each solution is somewhat different.

This potent antioxidant boosts immunity, boosts fat metabolism, detoxifies the liver, has anti-aging qualities, and promotes healthy skin and hair. Cancer, Parkinson’s, Cataracts, Glaucoma, Asthma, HIV, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Arthritis, and Diabetes all benefit from it.

Although IV treatment is not a cure-all, it helps relieve symptoms associated with serious conditions. Whatever you’re going through, there’s a way to deal with it. Call us now to make an IV treatment appointment.

IV Therapy Menu

Hebe Youth
& Vitality


NAD (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide), the key to brain health, combating aging, addressing fatigue, and optimizing metabolic functions.



A unique fusion of 20+ essential and non-essential amino acids. Amino acids play a pivotal role in breaking down food, repairing tissues, producing hormones and brain chemicals, offering energy, supporting skin, nails, and hair health, fostering muscle growth, strengthening the immune system, and promoting digestive wellness.



Essential vitamins, minerals, biotin, and amino acids (like lysine & proline) to support your hair, skin, and nails while enhancing collagen production. Plus, the extra advantage of glutathione, a master antioxidant.

Myers Blend


Myers Cocktail is a combination of calcium, magnesium, B vitamins, Vitamin C, minerals, and the powerful antioxidant glutathione.

Radiant Glow


NAD (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide), the key to brain health, combating aging, addressing fatigue, and optimizing metabolic functions.

Master Blend


A blend of 12 amino acids; the building blocks of proteins. These amino acids support and contribute to every function within your body.

Hebe Immunity & Energy


A blend of multivitamins, vitamin C, minerals, and glutathione to support your immune system, increase energy, enhance focus, mood, and promote better sleep.

Frequently Asked Question

Generally, IV therapy is safe for patients 16 years of age and older. Before IV treatment, our team will go over your medical history before deciding whether IV therapy is safe and suitable for you.

This is will be determined on a case to case basis, depending on what ailments are being treated and what treatments are being used for therapy. Patients can receive treatment as many as two times per week or as few as twice per month.

In some cases, blood testing is required before IV administration. This is especially pertinent for patients who would like to receive high doses of vitamin C.

IV therapy, when administered by a medical professional, is generally considered a safe treatment. Side effects are limited to possible bruising at the site of needle insertion and in rare cases, light-headed/ dizziness. Patients will be encouraged to hydrate well and have eaten before coming in for IV treatments.

Recharge your body and mind with our revitalizing IV Therapy at Hebe Medical Spa!

Designed to deliver essential nutrients straight to your bloodstream, our IV Therapy ensures rapid absorption for immediate benefits. Don’t wait—book your session today to experience the ultimate wellness boost!

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